C18th Chinese Porcelain Fish Bowl

The fish bowl had previously been repaired extensively. Old breakages had been repaired with adhesives that had become brittle and had shrunk over time. A metal band had also been applied around the foot to add stability.

The metal band was removed mechanically. The bowl was then dismantled with the controlled use of a Derotor GV steam cleaner. It was then cleaned with a variety of materials; mechanical, solvent cleaning, detergeants and poulticing.

Travelling cracks and broken sections were consolidated and bonded using a water white epoxy resin.

The missing handle/lug was remodelled by firstly taking an impression/mould from an extant handle in a quick setting silicone impression material. Then, an epoxy putty was pressed into  this mould and once cured it was refined and bonded in place over the missing area. Small missing areas were in-filled with a coloured epoxy paste, comprised of an epoxy resin, fumed silica, and artist’s dry powder pigments. Where necessary decorative elements were created by retouching with a clear ceramic glaze and artists dry powder pigments.